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標題: DBCS Reminder of Week 10/28/2023 [打印本頁]

作者: admin    時間: 2023-10-27 01:02     標題: DBCS Reminder of Week 10/28/2023

Dear Parents,

This Sat, the Chinese school will have regular classes from 9:00am-12:30pm.

It is the last Sat of October. Halloween time! Since Halloween is one of the most favorite time for the kids, we will also have a Halloween parade to let our students to show their Halloween spirits. This Sat, all students can wear their Halloween costumes to the Chinese school. Just make sure the costumes are of good taste. We will also give younger students a chance to have a little "trick or treat". The parade will be about 9:30-10:00am. If parents want to help, such as bring some treats, or hand out treats to students, please do. Easting inside the classrooms is forbidden. We will advise students to NOT eat any treats at school. All Halloween activities are optional.

Most costumes can be worn throughout the day. However, two elective classes, Dance and Tennis, proper clothing is required.



又到了十月的最后一个周六。 万圣节是孩子们最喜欢的日子之一。按照传统, 我们会有一个“万圣节“的庆祝活动。欢迎同学们穿戴他们喜欢的万圣节服装来中文学校。 我们会有“Trick or Treat" 的活动。活动从9:30开始, 大约20-30分钟。家长如果愿意帮忙,欢迎您, 或者带一些Treats, 或者帮忙给小朋友们分发。教室里禁止吃零食。 所以,我们会建议同学们不在学校吃这些糖果。




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