DBCS Reminder of Week 9/16
Dear Parents,
This Sat, 9/16, the Chinese School will have regular classes.
Since we are using DBHS facilities, sometimes we may change the location for our dance class (as well as parents' Yoga class) from the Aerobic Room (851) to the Dance Room (903).
Please remind your students to take their textbooks, homework packages, and homework page with them when leaving the class. Every student should have a homework page with the information about class contents and homework assignment for the week given to them during the class.
Please come to office and pick up items from Lost & Found。
个别时候, 高中的Aerobic Room(851)会被使用,我们会转到舞蹈教室 (903)。 如果没有特别通知,请前往Aerobic Room。 如果没有人在,说明换了教室。
请家长提醒学生,经管好自己的书本, 作业本,以及家庭作业联络单。