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DBCS Reminder of Week 5/11

Dear Parents,

Mother's Day is coming. Happy Mother's Day! This Sat, 5/11, the Chinese school will have regular classes from 9:00-12:30pm.

Next Sat, 5/18, will be the last day of our 2023-24 academic year. We will have an "Honor's Day" celebration, with class performances and an award ceremony at the Diamond Bar High Theater from 9:00--11:30am. We ask parents to volunteer for this event: (1) Class moms, to sit with the class and help the teacher in maintaining the order. All classes under Level 6 need at least one; (2) one photographer, taking pictures and recording the performances; (3) one audio coordinator, who will be in the control room of the theater and help the control person to identify and play music for each performance. Please contact us to volunteer. Without your help, we won't be able to bring an unforgettable experience for our students to conclude their Chinese study this year.

Early registration will continue for the next 2 school days (5/11 and 5/18). To register, please come to our office on 5/11, or go to the front gate of the DBHS theater on 5/18.



下周六, 5/18日,是学校的结业式,将有班级、个人、教师的文艺表演及颁奖仪式。结业式在钻石吧高中礼堂举行,时间是9:00-11:30am。 我们请家长义工帮助我们:(1)6册班以下各班的“助理”, 同该班学生坐在一起, 帮助老师维持秩序和组织演出。 (2)一位摄影、摄像, 为参加表演的人拍照以及表演的录像。(3)一个音控助理, 将在控制室内,协助高中的音控师准确播放节目的背景音乐或视频等。 如果您可以做义工,请和我们联系。 有了大家的帮助, 我们才可以办一个让同学们难忘的结业式。谢谢!

提前报名可以在接下来的两个周六进行。5/11继续在办公室办理。5/18日在高中礼堂门口办理。希望大家及早报名,以便我们安排教室,购置书本, 安排教师等。


