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5/28 是鑽石吧中文學校結業典禮


5/28 是鑽石吧中文學校結業典禮。

在這重大的日子, 鑽石吧中文學校誠心邀 請您參加結業式。


在美國學中文是非常不容易的事,中文學校需要我們每一個人共同努力才能辦的更好。鑽石吧華人協會為獎勵孩子們的參與,特別於5/28發給孩子們每人一張抽獎劵,更棒的是每位家長也可獲得一張。獎品豐富, 等您來領。結業典禮讓我們一起為孩子們加油,為家長們喝彩!


Dear DBCS Parents,

Please mark your calendar: May 28 (Sat) is the Diamond Bar Chinese School Honor's Day.

Diamond Bar Chinese School sincerely invites you to attend our Honor's Day ceremony.

DBCS emphasizes education and fun for all the kids. This year, teachers have made great efforts to discover every child's talent and encourage every child's effort. Awards will be given to recognize each child's special achievement and progress. At Honor's Day ceremony, you will meet your child's teachers, classmates, TAs, DBCAA board members and other parents and learn your child's teacher's evaluation and school's recognition of your child's progress.

Learning Chinese in the U.S. requires commitment and dedication. Without everyone's effort, DBCS can not improve. The honor's day ceremony is a great opportunity for our students, parents and the whole community to get together and celebrate. At 5/28 ceremony,  every participant will be given a raffle ticket, and a chance to get a special gift, sponsored by DBCAA. On this special Honor's Day , let's get together and cheer for our children and congratulate to each other for another year's job well-done.

Diamond Bar Chinese School PTA
