在這重大的日子, 鑽石吧中文學校誠心的邀請您 參與。在此,家長會提醒您以下注意事項:
時間:典禮將于上午9點 準時開始。請家長帶您的孩子于8:45前到達。典禮大約進行2個半小時。
座位: 典 禮上,中文學校將依照學生的班級與自己的老師,同學一起依序就座。家長請您於家長特區就座。具體位置,禮堂入口處將有人為您引導。
注册:您已經為孩子注 册2011-2012學年了嗎?中文學校鼓勵大家提前注册(Early Registration)。 凡于5月31日 前報名者,在校生减$75學費,免$40報名費。新生减$50學 費,免$40報名費。以上優惠,5月31日 截止。結業式當天,我們設有注冊區並有專人為您辦理及解說注册事務。機會難的, 還沒有注册的家長們, 千萬不要錯過喔!更好康的, 若您有認識需要學習中文的孩子,請您介紹到鑽石吧中文學校, 對您的感謝與支持,學校將送您$30禮劵做爲獎勵。
攝影:今年,每一位學生 都會得到精美的獎狀表揚和鼓勵孩子在特定方面的優异表現,每個孩子都有受獎的時刻。領獎時,將以班級為單位上臺。我們都希望在孩子領 獎的時刻留影,當您到前台攝影時,請務必依工作人員安排,注意秩序。
紀念品:入口處,每人 可獲得一張抽獎券(Raffle Ticket)。典禮結束后,別忘了憑抽獎券領取紀念品。
我們都希望孩子們學好中文。一個隆 重、有序的結業式將讓孩子瞭解學習中文的重要性。作爲“禮”,結業式本身就是我們讓孩子們認識中國傳統的一個良好途徑。請 各位家長提前安排好您的時間,叮囑孩子們守禮有序。讓我們共同努力,實現一個生動,莊嚴,有序,和難忘的結業式!謝謝!
祝各位家長暑期快樂!我們下學期 9/03再見 !
鑽石吧中文學校家長會 敬
Dear DBCS Parents,
Diamond Bar Chinese School 2011 Honor’s Day ceremony will be held on 5/28, this Saturday, at Grand Hall of Diamond Bar High School. DBCS sincerely invites you, your families and friends to attend this ceremony. PTA wants to remind you the following:
Time: Ceremony starts at 9:00am, sharp. Please arrive before 8:45am so you have time to be seated. The whole ceremony is expected to last two and half hours.
Seating: at the ceremony, students are going to be seated together with his/her classmates. Parents will be seated separately in designated area. After helping your child find his/her class, please be seated. At the entrance, you will find guides and please ask them for directions if you have any questions.
Registration: Have you registered for year 2011-2012 at DBCS? We strongly encourage you to register early. Everyone who registers before 5/31 can enjoy discounts. For existing student, early registration can get $75 deduction from tuition and $40 deduction from registration fee waiver. For new student, tuition deduction is $50 and plus $40 registration fee waiver. On 5/28, DBCS will have a table set up near the entrance and someone will be there to help answer your questions about registration and process your registration. If you have not done registration, please take this wonderful opportunity. If you know someone else that might want to attend Diamond Bar Chinese School, please refer them. For your support, DBCS will give you $30 gift card as award for your reference.
Photographing: This year, every student will be awarded to encourage their efforts and special performance in certain areas. Each student will have his/her moment at the ceremony. Bring your camera to capture that moment. Students will go on stage to receive their awards with their teachers and classmates. There is designated area for you to take picture near the stage. Please follow the directions of our helpers and proceed in orderly fashion.
Information: The success of our Chinese school depends on everyone’s effort. DBCAA, DBCS, and DBCS PTA want your inputs about improving our school. At the registration desk, we will have a notebook for you. Please tell us your opinions about our school. Tell us what improvements you want to see. Your opinions are important to us when we do summer “strategic” planning for next year. Also available at the registration desk are information about summer programs that you may be interested in. Please ask our parent helper at the registration desk for information.
Gifts: at the entrance, everyone will get a raffle ticket. During the ceremony, winning raffle tickets will be drawn. Winners will be given gifts donated by DBCAA board members. If you don’t win, you can still use your raffle ticket to pick up a small gift after the ceremony when you leave.
We are all very proud of our children’s efforts and achievements at Diamond Bar Chinese School. Please schedule your time. Let us get together and have an orderly and unforgettable Honor’s Day ceremony.
DBCS PTA wishes all of you a great summer. See you on Sept 3, 2011, the first day for next year.
Diamond Bar Chinese School PTA |