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Talent Show at 9/17 Moon Festival Celebration

9/17鑽石吧華人中秋晚會, 特別邀請中文學校學生、家長、朋友一起來參加演出,共結“中秋緣”。如果您或者您的孩子,家人、朋友有出衆才藝,請自薦及推薦給我們。大人小孩都需要。可以唱歌、跳舞、朗誦、器樂、或者表演功夫,才藝種類不限,表演語言不限,只要能鼓勵孩子學習才藝,讓晚會熱鬧開心,都歡迎報名。報名請將姓名,班級(如果是學生),演出內容及節目等有關信息告訴我們,以便我們做出安排。
報名截止日:   9月10日
報名方式: tangwei1@gmail.com, 或周六上課時間到點心站向家長會服務人員報名。
本次中秋晚會的詳情,請參考本郵件的附件“邀請卡”。我們會在周六(9/3 和9/10)分發本次活動的宣傳資料。華協已發出“Evite”, 請收到的家長及時給我們反饋,便于我們統計人數及做好後勤工作。謝謝!

Dear Parents,

Our annual Diamond Bar Chinese Moon Festival Celebration event is fast approaching (9/17). Chinese School Parent Association invites all students, parents, families and friends to come to this wonderful party. During the event, we will have a DBCS talent show! You can show whatever special talents that you have, sing, dance, play music instruments, or even your martial arts moves. The party is by us, for us and about us. Let’s have fun! Please tell us the name of the performer, the type of performance, and your contact information by Sept 10, 2011. You can send information to tangwei1@gmail.com or come to the snack station on Sat (9/3 or 9/10).  
For more information about this year’s Moon Festival Celebration, please see attached invitation card. We will distribute flyers about the event on Sat. Many parents have received an “Evite” from Diamond Bar Chinese American Association, which is the organizer of this event. Please respond and let us know whether you plan to come, so we can be better prepared for logistics.
Thank you very much!

Diamond Bar Chinese School Parent Association
