DBCS Reminder of Week 2/17/2024
Dear Parents,
This Sat, 2/17, the Chinese School will have regular classes from 9:00am-12:30pm.
This Sat, we will have our Diamond Bar Chinese School Art Exhibition. Selected works by students from Advanced Drawing, Paper Sculpture, Chinese Calligraphy, and Arts and Crafts.classes will be displayed.The Exhibition will be in 300 building courtyard, so parents and students can see on their way to and from classrooms.
Next Sat, 2/24, we will have our annual Diamond Bar Chinese New Year Celebration event. This year, We have exciting performances by the Diamond Bar High School groups., such as the DBHS Marching Band and Color Guard. Of course, there are several performances by our students. Please invite your families and friends to come. We have many fun things for kids: dragon dance, Kung-fu, Sugar Painting, Facing painting, Cotton Candy, and fun games.
本周六, 2/27, 中文学校正常上课。
本周六,中文学校有学生才艺课作品展,我们会展出许多来自绘画进阶,纸雕,书法, 美劳等才艺班学生的作品。大家在接送学生上学的时候可以前来参观。
下周六, 2/24, 是我们一年一度的钻石吧华人新春园游会。今年我们的工商展位实力雄厚,涉及广泛的领域:保险,教育, 房地产,移民,科技,养老,社区安全等。演出的节目也是精彩纷呈:高中的Marching Band和Color Guard, 舞龙, 武术。当然还有一些我们的小朋友表演的节目。 游戏方面, 有Bouncer, Facing Painting, 糖画, 棉花糖。 我们还请了几位书法老师现场给大家写“福”字。 有老师给孩子们教制作龙年新春特色的手工等等。 请大家邀请朋友,家人一起前来。